Alan Gura and some of the "Usual suspects" at the
2009 Gun Blogger rendezvous. That's Alan in the black shirt. |
In 2009 at the Gun blogger Rendezvous we were fortunate to have Alan Gura as an attendee. Alan's schedule was tight, and he wasn't able to be there for the entire Rendezvous. Alan's insights on the Heller decision, the not-yet-decided McDonald decision, and the state of Second Amendment issues was well worth the trip all by itself!
This year, Alan is going to do his best to be there again at the Rendezvous, subject to scheduling, of course.
Here's a quote from Alan's email:
"Thanks so much again for your generous invitation. I'd be happy to attend as much of the get together as I can. I'll block off that time on my calendar and avoid setting things for those days. The final details will have to wait. As you may know this is an extraordinarily busy time in the 2A litigation business.."
I have also received information that another 2A attorney who has been doing some excellent high-profile work in California is also making plans to attend. We should be able to make an announcement on this very soon.
This September's Gun Blogger Rendezvous is going to blow the doors off of previous year's Rondy's, with new faces, new sponsors, higher involvement from our previous sponsors, and of course, the usual suspects there too! It looks like there will also be several well known folks from the shooting sports world, and more announcements will be coming soon on those folks, too!
We have already contacted the Silver Legacy about getting a bigger meeting room. Before we commit to that, though, we need to get some sort of idea as to how many are planning on attending. If we wait too long, the larger room will be taken by someone else, and then we will have to set a cut-off number for attendees to be able to use the room like we used last year.
If you are planning on attending, please send in your Rendezvous Registrations right away. If you are pretty sure you are going to be there but not sure enough to register yet, send me an email and let me at least get your name on the list of those hoping to be there.