Gun Blogger Rendezvous Room Reservations

The contract has now been signed with Circus Circus in Reno for the Gun Blogger Rendezvous, and a block of rooms has been reserved for us. The room rate is $89.00 per night, double occupancy. This does not include the taxes, which are over 20%, between sales tax and other local taxes. There is free wireless internet available in all of the rooms, the hospitality rooms, and even at the dinner itself.
To reserve your accommodations give them a call, and be sure to quote the group code "IGBR".
Toll free number: 800-648-5010
Group Code: IGBR
Cutoff date to make reservations: Sept. 6, 2006
This is ONLY to reserve your room. You still have to register for the Rendezvous itself, which is done separately by downloading, filling in, and sending in the Rendezvous Registration from HERE.
You do not have to be a blogger to attend the Rendezvous. If you are a regular reader of the gun and Mil blogs and follow our goings on, you are also welcome to attend. On the registration form just write "Not a blogger" where it asks for your blog's name. Who knows, after attending the Rendezvous, you just might decide to start blogging yourself!
Once you make your reservations, please send me an email at
b l o g (AT) w h i d b e y (DOT) c o m
and let me know, so I can get you on the email notification/update list.
Thanks, and we'll see you in Reno!