An excuse for a party - with guns

From Castle Arrgghhh and The Mudville Gazette:
For the success if the Gunblogger Rendezvous it is extremely important to get your Rendezvous Registrations in as early as possible. We need to plan well in advance to that we secure a banquet room of suffcient size to hold everyone, and the only way we can plan for it is based on registrations received.An excuse for a party - with guns.
[John of Argghhh!]Public Service Announcement:
Bored with the same old dull, "sit in chairs listening to bloggers earnestly discuss how important they are kind of conference?"
(Hey, I was there, I was as self-important as anyone, and lord the Press made sure we knew about YearlyKOS!)
Interested in attending about the most dangerous gathering of bloggers since YearlyKos? The Gunblogger Rendevous!
Well, dangerous if you're Sarah Brady, or The Senators SchuBoxerClinStein!
C'mon, Blogs, guns, booze, and gambling. Pretty much what we're fighting for around the globe, ain't it? At least *the bad guys" think so.
SWWBO and I are going to try to be there, too - client willing and the creek don't rise.
All registration money sent in goes into a special escrow account, and is sent on to Circus Circus as one check 60 days in advance of the Rendezvous. If we do not have enough registrations in by September 1st., the event will be cancelled. You need not worry about losing your money if not enough people register, as every penny will be returned from the escrow account back to the people that sent it in.
I really don't think that's going to happen, and I'm expecting a really good turn-out for the Rendezvous, but in planning for the event, I want to make sure all bases are covered.
We've also got some other announcements in the wings regarding the Rendezvous, but won't be making the announcements until confirmation and final details are determined.
Did I mention that a "Really Big Rifle Organization" was working on the details for their involvement?
I'll keep you posted!