Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Latest News !

Hi- Point C-9 --- Win Me!

More details are falling into place for the Reno Gun Blogger Rendezvous. At the Saturday night banquet we will be having both a door prize drawing, and a fund-raising drawing. The fund raiser will work like this: There will be 52 unmarked white envelopes. Inside each envelope will be a single playing card. You buy the envelopes for ten bucks a piece, as many as you want. Charles Brown, head honcho at Hi-Point has also randomly selected three cards and put each of them into individual sealed envelopes. The envelopes are marked 1st., 2nd., and 3rd. Once all 52 cards have been sold, we will open the three envelopes. If your card matches the one marked as 3rd, you win a $50.00 gift certificate from Natchez Shooter's Supply. If your card matches the card in the envelope marked as 2nd., you win a beautiful leather range bag from Brownell's.

If you are the lucky person holding the card that matches the card in the 1st. prize envelope, you win a brand new Hi-Point 9mm. pistol from MKS Supply and Hi-Point! Please note that if you are not legally allowed to own a handgun, you should not enter, as we won't give it to you! The Hi Point pistol will not be at the Rendezvous, and you will need to have your favorite FFL holder contact Hi Point to arrange the transfer. We'll help you with those details, so not to worry!

After the main drawing, we will then draw from a list of those attending the Rendezvous for the remaining door prizes. There will be gift certificates, hats, shirts, and more from Remington, Nosler, MidwayUSA, and Master Blaster Bullets, so there will be a good chance that everyone will win something. The first 30 attendees will also get a free small bottle of Brownell's new Friction Fighter gun oil!

Arrangements are underway for transportation to and from the range on Saturday for a day of shooting. We will be renting a vehicle of appropriate size for the range run, and the cost will be split up amongst the riders.

If you are thinking about going,there is still time to get registered, but you need to get going right away so you don't miss out! Email me at:

b l o g (at) w h i d b e y (dot) c o m

and I'll fill you in on what you need to get registered.


Friday, September 15, 2006

More News!

Cam Edwards of Cam and Company on
NRA News and of the Cam Edwards blog

A bunch more more folks have signed up, and I'm most pleased to welcome The Armorer from ARRGGHHH!, She Who Must Be Obeyed, Say Uncle, and Cam Edwards to the list of attendees.

Although the Circus Circus room rate deal closed last night, if you contact me right away we can still get you in on the Rendezvous and banquet.

You are on your own as to accommodations, but I'd call the Circus Circus anyway and see what they've got available. That way you can crawl back to your room from the Hospitality room, if need be...................

NEWS FLASH: Speaking of the hospitality room, we have added a Thursday night hospitality room fo those coming in on Thursday.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Brownell's On Board with the Rendezvous

I just got word from Larry at Brownell's*, and they are donating a"Deluxe" Signature series leather range bag to the Gun Blogger Rendezvous. This is a REALLY nice bag, not some cheapo, either! Brownell's will also be supplying sample bottles of their ""Friction Defense" gun oil for everyone to take home and try. It's a synthetic base oil with both teflon and moly, so it oughtta be pretty slippery stuff!

Best of all, if all goes well, scheduling can be arranged, details sorted out, and iff'n the creek don't rise, Larry is going to do his best to make it to the Rendezvous in person so we all can meet him!

Hope you can be there, Larry!

You don't have a Brownell's catalog? I'd be lost without mine........

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Natchez Supports the Rendezvous

I have just received word from Natchez Shooter's Supply that they will be generously supporting the upcoming Gun Blogger Rendezvous through the donation of gift certificates, and possibly some hats and shirts. He didn't know exactly what they had on hand for hats and shirts, but was going to look around and see what he could find.

Natchez is another company with whom I have dealt with in the past, and have always found them to be courteous and helpful.

The Rendezvous greatly appreciates their generous support! Thanks, guys!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

MidwayUSA Helps the Rendezvous

I just got a phone call frome the nice folks at MidwaUSA, and they will be helping to support the Gun Blogger Rendezvous with a donation. The details are not yet worked out, but there will be at least a gift certificate involved, but beyond that it is yet to be determined.

UPDATE: MidwayUSA will be contributing a nice gift certificate, five MidwayUSA caps, and five MidwayUSA t-shirts. (Hope I can win one of the shirts!)

We greatly appreciate their support!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Banquet Menu

Here's the menu for the Gun Blogger Rendezvous Banquet:

09/20/06 NOTE: Since we have less than 50 diners registered, the menu options have been reduced. The Salmon or pork chop dinners are not available, but there is a vegetarian dinner available for those not wanting the prime rib.

The default dinner is:

Roast Prime Rib of Beef, tender roasted prime rib of beef accompanied by Circus Circus's own Jack Daniels au jus.

If you are registered for the Rendezvous, you are set up for the default prime rib dinner. If you would like to change to the vegetarian dinner, send me an email with your request right away and I'll notify the hotel.

All dinners include a fresh house salad, rolls, butter, and dessert. Regular or decaffeinated coffee and iced tea are also included.

If you do not get a confirmation back from me on the menu change, then I didn't get the email, so please send it again. Thanks!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Cut-Off Dates

The cut-off dates for the Gun Blogger Rendezvous are drawing close, so you will want to get your reservations in to the Circus Circus hotel in Reno ASAP.

The hotel gave us a one week extension until midnight, September 14th, but after that the special room rates won't be available. You will still be able to attend the Rendezvous at the last minute provided you have gotten your Rendezvous registration in to me no later that five or six days before the Rendezvous. For hotel reservations you will probably still be able to get a room at the Circus Circus, I'd think, but it would be at the regular rate, whatever that may be.

For info on how to make your room reservations and how to register for the Rendezvous, scroll on down this page.

The Rendezvous is only a few weeks off,
so it's time to get crackin'!

Monday, September 04, 2006

More "Who's Gonna Be There"

I just got email confirmation that the chief cook and bottle washer from "Say Uncle" will be attending the Rendezvous. That's another of my Read Daily" blogs on the blogroll. You DO read Say Uncle, don't you?

I also have got confirmation that KrisB and JillP will also be attending. As far as I know, neither Kris nor Jill have their own blogs, but I know that Kris appears regularly in the comments on a number of the gun blogs.

I first met Kris and Jill at the Douglas Ridge Innaugural Bowling Pin shoot in Portland early this Spring, where Kris dispelled any notions that a .480 revolver can't be fired quickly or accurately. He did both, and made it look easy! As I remember, Jill was shooting a Glock.

Get your rerservations in ASAP, we will soon need to be able to tell the hotel how many dinners we will be needing at the banquet.


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sunday Afternoon Activities

Got a comment from Joe Huffman, best known as the guy that puts on the Boomershoot Rifle Festival, and also as the chief scribe over at The View from North Central Idaho.

He'll be arriving in Reno Friday evening and leaving on Monday morning, and being as Joe isn't into drinking and gambling, he'll be looking for folks interested in sight-seeing or other things of interest on Sunday.

Although when people think of Reno the first things they think of are the partying and gambling, that's only a small part of the attraction. There's a lot of stuff to do there. In fact, I believe the world championship outhouse races will be held at the same time as the Rendezvous! I don't think we'll have time to get a team together this year, but there's always next year.

There's a free tour bus that will take you around town, and lots of things to see and do. Watching people is one of MY favorites!

Eating good food on the cheap is another.......

Got Your Tickets Yet?

(Note: I've seen this ticket generator on several blogs, but most recently at SondraK's place.)