Gun Blogger Rendezvous + NRA = COOL!

Thanks to the efforts of Sebastian at Snowflakes in Hell, we will be having a very special "NRA Happy Hour" event at the Gun Blogger Rendezvous, and best of all, Glen Caroline, the Director of NRA Grassroots Division and Ashley Varner, of the NRA-ILA Public Affairs Division, will be there "showing the flag" for the NRA. This will be a fantastic opportunity for the gun bloggers to meet and share ideas with the folks from the NRA in a small and informal setting.
For you folks planning to attend, give some thought to what questions you would ask, and what suggestions you might have to help the NRA be even more effective. We’re very pleased to have them come by and spend some time with us!
If you were thinking about attending, IT'S STILL NOT TOO LATE to get in on the fun. Contact the Circus Circus Hotel IMMEDIATELY and you may still be able to get in on the group discounted room rates. (If not, the rooms are still very reasonably priced.)
To book your accommodations, telephone Circus Circus reservations at 1-800-648-5010 and give them the group code of
You also need to register for the Rendezvous. The registration form is HERE in a PDF file. Download the Registration form, print 'er out, write out a check, and mail it in! Since any profit from the Rendezvous will be going to Project Valour-IT, there is also a place on the registration form where you can make a donation to them, along with your registration.
You don't have to be a gun blogger, or even a blogger to attend. If you read the gun and military blogs, are interested in the content found on those blogs, and you would like to meet some of those bloggers in person, you too are welcome to attend!
Time is running out, so get your reservations and registration in today!
We'll see you in Reno!
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