GBR-III Dates Set

The basic format and schedule will follow previous years schedule.
Thursday - October 9th.
Thursday will be travel and arrival day. The hospitality room will be open Thursday evening for informal gathering.
Friday - October 10th.
Friday morning will be free time to explore or do what ever you like. Friday after lunch will be "Show and Tell" and more, followed by meeting with the NRA folks (if they can make it - haven't heard either way yet). The hospitality room will be open well into the night (or morning?)
Saturday - October 11th.
Saturday will be range day, and Saturday night will be the group dinner. This year we are going to try something a little different for dinner. It will be an all you can eat pizza feed provided by the Rendezvous in the hospitality room. Soft drinks will also be provided. The pizza place downstairs makes excellent pizza, so we'll just order up whatever kinds of pizza you like!
Saturday night will also be Hospitality Room BS sessions into the wee hours, like always!
Sunday - October 12th.
Sunday morning many of us will meet for breakfast in one of the local restaurants for final farewells, as many of you will be leaving on Sunday. A number of us will stay on for Sunday and get in a little more exploring and sightseeing, stay Sunday night, then leave for home on Monday. The hospitality room will be open also on Sunday night.
That's the core agenda, but there's a lot of time between now and October, so things may get added or adjusted in the mean time.
I should have the hotel group code in a few days so you can book your rooms and get the discount rates. I'll post it here and also email it to last year's attendees.
Registration for the Gun Blogger Rendezvous will be required as in previous years, but since we will be spending less on Saturday's dinner, you can expect a reduction in the registration cost. Any profit realized by the Rendezvous after expenses will go 100% to a worthy cause yet to be determined.
Registration info will also be posted here, and emailed to last year's attendees, as soon as it's finalized.
The first GBR went very well, and it was even better the second year. This year's Rendezvous is going to be the biggest and best yet, so it's time to circle the dates on your calendar and start making plans to be there.
There are going to be a number of new faces from the gun-blogosphere this year, along with most of the regulars.
You really don't want to miss this one!
I'm in!
And thanks for performing the hosting honors once again.
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