GBR-IV Updates

I've got plans for some new stuff this year, including a second range day. One day at the range we used last year, mostly for rifles, and one range day aimed (a pun?) towards action pistol shooting, something along the lines of a few Steel Challenge Stages to shoot. Maybe even a mini Steel Challenge Fun Match?
If we can get all of the ducks in a row we'd also like to coordinate with the Cowboy Fast Draw Association (located only 20 miles outside of Reno) and see if we can set up some Cowboy Fast Draw shooting and additional fund raising, possibly on Sunday. We have tried to put this together for two years now, but scheduling kept getting in the way. Maybe this year, I hope!
We will be having our fund raising raffle for Project Valour-IT, our all you can eat pizza feed, the regular BS sessions well into the night, and all the fun stuff like we have done in the past.
I do, however, need some feedback from you all who might be considering attending this year's Rendezvous. What I need is some feedback from all of you as to your projected attendance at GBR-IV. I realize that October is a long way off and things can change between now and then, so I'm not holding anyone to their positions, but I do need to get some idea of what everyone wants to do. In particular, I'm interested in hearing from folks who haven't been to a GBR in the past and are hoping to make this be the year.
You don't have to be a Gun Blogger, or even a blogger, to attend. If you enjoy shooting, if you read some of the gun blogs, and would like to meet some of the gun bloggers in person, here's your chance.
Leave us a comment if you are thinking about attending this year!
I'm seriously considering coming, and this will be my first time, if I can manage it (I'm in the UK, so the travel arrangements aren't exactly minor!)
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