Who's Gonna Be There......
Here's a partial list of the attendees for this year's Gun Blogger Rendezvous. I am SURE I've left some folks off, so if you are going and you're not on the list, leave me a comment and I'll get you on the list.
So who's going to be there, you ask?
Here's a partial list, and new names will be added as we get closer to the Rendezvous.
Planning to Attend:
KeeWee, from KeeWee's Corner
Phil & David, from Random Nuclear Strikes
US Citizen, from Traction Control
Ride Fast & the Commandress, from Ride Fast - Shoot Straight
Mr. & Mrs. JimmyB, the Conservative UAW Guy
Lou from Mad Gun
Derek from The Packing Rat
Rachel Parson from the NRA
D.W. Drang from The Clue Meter
EJ from Engineering Johnson
Cap'n Bob & Damsel
Alan Gura
Mark Knapp from Firearms Lawyer
Maj. Chuck Ziegenguss from From My Position - On the way and founder of Project Valour-IT.
Kevin from The Smallest Minority
Dirt Crashr, from Anthroblogogy
Chris & Mel Byrne, from The Anarchangel
Uncle, From Say Uncle
Larry Weeks, from Brownell's
Andy and Lance from HiCap Gun Works
and, of course, me.....
There are a number of folks hoping to be able to attend, but not sure either way quite yet. There is a possibility we may see our first attendees from the UK, as I've gotten a couple of emails regarding registering in Euros and so forth, so keep your fingers crossed. We might even see some folks from Holland, at least briefly, as there are a few coming over to Las Vegas for the USPSA Nationals being held the same weekend.
We've still got room for lots more folks, so get off your "Donkey-like creature" and get your registrations in ASAP. It's going to be the best GBR yet, and by a long ways, so you really will kick yourself if you don't go. More range time, warmer weather, Alan Gura, The NRA, National Shooting Sports Federation, All you can eat pizza feed, at least three guns to win, lots of door prizes, and plenty of things to do for the family members not quite so gung-ho for gun stuff.
There are even some more surprises coming up to be announced. I am waiting for confirmation, but there's a pretty good chance there's more neat stuff and a some big announcements yet to come!
BTW: All bloggers automatically get press credentials. If you are from a newspaper, magazine, radio, or TV station, maybe, maybe not...........
Sounds like fun. What do we all do for the three days?
Check back over the posts from last year to get some idea of what goes on at the Rendezvous. This year we will be doing three shooting sessions, one on the rifle target range, one on a Steel Challenge pistol bay, and one of Cowboy Fast Draw. There will be tons of stuff to do, and barely enough time to get it all in.
..... Mr. C.
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