Saturday, October 28, 2006

'06 Rendezvous Financial Report

This afternoon we wrapped up all of the financial details of the Gun Blogger Rendezvous. The intent was to try not to lose money, and, if possible, raise some money for Dan McKown's recovery and rehab. fund. Additionally, we wanted to make it possible for folks wishing to donate to Dan's recovery and rehab. fund to be able to do so. Now that all of the bills have been paid and the final accounting completed, here's how it came out:

$300.00 was donated directly to Dan's Recovery fund. $552.91 was raised through the registrations and through the fund raising at the banquet, for a grand total of $852.91 raised for Dan's Recovery fund.

On top of that, Dan and the rest of us all had a grand time in Reno.

Can hardly wait until next year............


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