In spite of efforts to shut down our Fund Raising Raffle for Project Valour-IT , raffle tickets are now available. Thanks to the hard work of a number of people, and particularly to Brian of Lucky Gunner Ammo, Lucky Gunner is now providing us a shopping cart and ticket buying process on their website. Brian put in some long hours after his regular work day to make this all happen. What are they getting out of this? Nothing! Every penny, less the 3% processing fee by the credit card processor, goes directly to Project Valour-IT.
Go get your raffle tickets and maybe YOU will be the lucky winner of the Para GI 1911 or the 4 Days of Training at Front Sight Academy. Here's the link:
Of course, while you're there you might browse through the ammo they have in stock and see if there's a good deal on whatever you might be getting low on.
Gunnies REALLY ARE the nicest people.
25 sales in the first 12 hours that the raffle has been live on Lucky Gunner Ammo! :-)
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