Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sfc. Toby Nunn To Attend Gun Blogger rendezvous

It was kinda sad to hear that Maj. Chuck Zigenfuss, the founder of project Valour-IT, won't be attending this year's Gun Blogger rendezvous. The reason is that Chuck's been transferred to Hawaii, which is great news, and I hope he's having a good time over there! We'll miss Chuck at the Rondy, but maybe next year!

When I contacted the Soldier's Angels and Project Valour-IT folks about someone to attend this year's Rondy who could represent Project Valour-IT, they said they'd see what they could do. The next day I got an email from Sfc. Toby Nunn. Here's a video introduction:

Toby is very involved with Project Valour-IT, and he handles the purchasing of the laptop computers for them. Toby is also a Mil-Blogger, an author, and is one of the principals in the Frontline documentary "Bad Voodoo's War". 

If you're kinda on the fence about coming to this year's Gun Blogger Rendezvous, then here's an excellent reason to get off the fence, send in your registration, and book your room at the Silver Legacy. Come help us, and Sfc. Nunn, to raise money to buy voice actuated laptop computers to be given to our injured servicemen who, due to the nature of their injuries, are unable to email and communicate with their family and friends using a computer with a keyboard.

This is going to be the very best Gun Blogger rendezvous ever, and you REALLY don't want to miss it!

See You In Reno!!


Blogger Kevin said...

More than just being stationed in Hawaii (where he and his family can't get any decent housing), Maj. Zeigenfuss is preparing to deploy to Afghanistan.

Just over five years after being blown up by an IED in Iraq.

As his t-shirt says, "What would you give your left testicle for?"

Tue Aug 17, 10:15:00 AM 2010  
Blogger Drang said...

Chuck said Baghdad, not Afghanistan. Not that it matters, much...
Read all about it: From my position... On the way! -- Troubles in Paradise
From my position... On the way! -- Getting Ready
From my position... On the way! -- No, Virginia, there are no combat troops

Fri Aug 20, 10:34:00 AM 2010  

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