Melissa Theuriau Coming to the Rendezvous?
Last Summer Fodder at Ride Fast - Shoot Straight put together a "TV Picture" featuring Melissa Theuriau to help promote the upcoming Gun Blogger Rendezvous. Melissa is a Television news broadcaster in France, and also does a Sunday night news magazine program called Forbidden Zone. She also has her own website, both in French and English.

Through the magic of the internet a number of American Gun Bloggers have now met and gotten to know Manfred of Armes Et Mir Passion, his French gun blog. Manfred and a bunch of other French shooting sports enthusiasts are now making pland to attend next October's Reno Gun Blogger Rendezvous (GBR-II). In the course of varous emails, someone (probably Fodder!) suggested that he should also bring along Melissa Theuriau to the Rendezvous.
With that in mind, Manfred tracked down Melissa's email address and sent her an invitation! The invitation is in French of course, but you can click on the Babelfish dealie at the top of his left sidebar to (crudely) translate the invitation into English. The translation leaves a bit to be desired, but you can read it and get the point, anyway.
I have also sent her an invitation as follows:
Who knows, she just might be able to convince the TV network that it would be a good story for her news magazine.
With that in mind, Manfred tracked down Melissa's email address and sent her an invitation! The invitation is in French of course, but you can click on the Babelfish dealie at the top of his left sidebar to (crudely) translate the invitation into English. The translation leaves a bit to be desired, but you can read it and get the point, anyway.
I have also sent her an invitation as follows:
As the coordinator of the Reno, Nevada Gun Blogger Rendezvous to be held next October, I would like to invite you to attend our event.If you would also like to encourage Melissa to attend the Rendezvous, you can contact her HERE. The more invitations she gets, the more likely that she would suggest it to the TV network as a good story. Let's hit her email with invitations!!
I understand that Manfred from Armes et mir Passion has also invited you to attend, and we would all welcome your attendance.For more information on the Rendezvous have a look at the Gun Blogger Rendezvous website.
We hope to see you in Reno!
Who knows, she just might be able to convince the TV network that it would be a good story for her news magazine.
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